Western Washington University has a club called S.I.F.F (Sharing Interests Forming Friendships)- "Allies for Inclusion". I was in this club last year and had the opportunity to meet many new friends that I wouldn't have been able to without this resource. Last year the focus was to pair a Western student with a student from the Community Transitions school who has a disability. So last year I was paired up with Sydney who has Down Syndrome. I couldn't be any luckier, as she is the most lovable, accepting friend I have.
This year the club has changed it up. Instead of being mentorship focused we are opening it up to the students, and community. I mean our main goal was inclusion so why keep these amazing people all to ourselves? This past monday S.I.F.F had an event on Westerns campus open to anyone who wanted to join. We had about 30 people show up to participate in the Scavenger Hunt which was an INCREDIBLE turnout. People with and without disabilities were able to interact, form friendships, and even spread awareness around campus. Here are a few pictures from the event and I hope you'll come to the next one. Visit https://www.facebook.com/WWUSIFF?ref=br_tf and like the page to stay updated!
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